Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thai Said Hi ! Streams of Living Water Flowed

I've shared with a number of people since my last post but this one felt special; I felt an overflowing joy that's hard to explain ("streams of living water will flow from within him" -John 7:38).

I went for a quick jog this morning (Sunday) before waking the family for church. I was test driving my upcoming mission trip prayer guide that I organized around Lord's prayer and themed around John 7:37a-38 ("If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."). I was alternately running and walking and praying.

I had made it down to a time of surrender and just finished praying and offering the Lord my mind and asking for His help that I would take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ (2Cor 10:5), when out of the blue I heard a loud and friendly yell from across the street. It was a tiny old man who was obviously not of our culture. I yelled back a quick greeting and thought immediately that the Lord may want me to share with him. But I had left the house quickly and had no tracts and I was running late for church, so I listened to Satan's lies that it wasn't a good time. I continued on, became convicted, took captive the thoughts from Christ and obediently turned around.

I caught up with the man. He was very friendly. His name is Thai from Vietnam. After a couple of basic questions like "where do you live", it became obvious he only knew a few words and it would be difficult to clearly share the gospel verbally. Knowing that many of these elderly foreign people are here visiting their children who can speak English, I knew that I needed to get a tract in his hand so someone else could translate it for him.

I said goodbye and made a dash for home, picked up a tract, and then ran back across the neighborhood while praying for Thai. I caught up with him again and explained that I had a gift for him, opened the tract, pointed to Jesus' name, made the motion of prayer. He didn't know what I was saying but he really appreciated the enthusiastic gift.

I left for home and left Thai in the Lord's hands. I was so full of joy that the Lord had fulfilled His promise to me, that "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." (John 7:37a-38).

Nothing excites me more than having streams of living water flowing through me!

. . . gotta to run to church now.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I sent this on to Sumner this evening. As Frank shared of Sumner's soul-witness tool to me in 2003 and I shared with you in 2008, so we can begin storing in our "toolboxes,"
scripture promises and effective winning soul-winning 'tools!'
-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Johnson []
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2008 8:34 PM
To: ''
Subject: FW: KnowAndTell Blog
Hi Sumner,
My friend at church started a small group called,
Becoming Effective Witnesses Together,
at our church, Meadows Baptist Church in Plano last month.
I had shared with him about your effective ministry of soul-winning, as Frank Banfill had shared with me.
Enjoy his blog today affirming WHOSE you are and not just WHO you are!
Heaven surely is setting a huge Banquet table to receive you some day.
We love you and pray for you and Celeste, even though we never got that one-on-one meeting in March 2007.
Blessings and admiration, as you have spurred me on daily to SHARE JESUS!
Mrs. Barbara S. Johnson
Plano, Texas

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Make Witnessing a Lifestyle

After church today we had a great family meal at Golden Coral before I had to head to the airport for a one day business trip. We had the new girl as our waitress and so Flora, the kind Asian waitress in next area over from us started picking up the slack for the new girl. At the end of the meal, I took out cash for the tip and divided it in half. I put one of Sumner Wemp's new tract's with each set of cash, left one set on the table for the new girl that didn't do so well, and I stopped Flora as she walked by the table and handed her half of the tip. She wasn't expecting it and I pray she reads the tract. So, the good news went to two waitresses instead of one.

I then headed for the airport, landed in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, settled into my hotel, and went for a late dinner at Red Lobster. The restaurant was almost empty. This time the young waitress' name was Holly. As I nibbled on my last few bites, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my Heaven booklet with page 54 marked, the section entitled "How to know for sure you're going to Heaven." Reading at the table serves two purposes. It's a conversation starter, and it keeps the gospel fresh on my mind. If you read different tracts and see the different ways in which the one gospel message is presented, it helps you learn, and you get exposed to different gospel verses to use. Back to my story . . . Holly comes over to make sure I have everything I need. I have my head buried in my booklet. I replied, "Yes, I'm fine. I'm just reading this great book on Heaven. It has this section that tells you how to know for sure you're going to heaven. Holly, are you a Christian? Do you know you're going to heaven." Holly said "well no, when I was younger I went to church . . .". I said, "Here, please take this and read it". She took the book and thanked me. Later as she came back to the table to help with the check I said to her, "Holly, I've helped show people in several different countries how to have eternal life. I can tell that this information is true. I really hope you'll read the book." Holly replied, "Oh I will, I've already started. Thank you." As I was walking out of the now empty restaurant, I saw Holly sitting at one of the tables reading her book, and she said good night to me." People all along your path every day are in desperate need of the good news in your head. Let's make witnessing a lifestyle. It gets easier with practice. It really really does.

Dan Hobson, I know you have a great story you need to post about a new resident visit.

By the way, you can buy the tracts I used at lunch at They are called "Your Ticket to Heaven". My good friend Barbara Johnson put me on to Sumner Wemp's site at our first KnowAndTell meeting. She is already sharpening me as we become more effective witnesses together.

I have also recently added a website called (it has a ways to go, but it's a start). I highly recommend listening to the eight MP3 lessons you'll find there.

- Michael Cooper

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First thought instead of last

I had taken Alexandria to a book release party on Friday. I took a good book with me and found a nice quiet corner to sit by myself. About 30 minutes later, a lady came and asked if she could sit with me. I immediately said "sure"! My first thought was ... "God is this a divine appointment? And please give me the words that she needs to hear". We talked off and on for several hours. I had a lot of trouble moving the conversation to spiritual topics. I was really disappointed that I wasn't able to do that. After getting home and sharing with Shawn, I decided that the encounter was probably more for me than her. My focus was immediately on Christ. Usually for me, it is the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and sometimes not at all. I was encouraged by Michael to post this. It takes a conscience effort to make it our FIRST THOUGHT!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

-Sumner Wenp
Hi Know&Tell Prayer Partners,
Thanks, Michael, for a terrific Kick-Off meeting this evening!!
Effective Evangelism-that's what my heart's cry is! I share the above quote with you I used to "get my foot in the door" to the families in the villages of the country of Nigeria in 2003.
I still use it here-it is a great conversation piece for some witnessing opportunities. Frank Banfill actually knows Sumner Wemp. Sumner is now in his mid 80's and resides in North Dallas with his wife. I have read his books on effective soul-winning and he has been a mentor to me, along with our dear Sr. Pastor Scott. Just in Friday's daily devo from Sumner's site, he says:
"DAILY pray for souls to be ready so you can lead then to Christ. What a joy!"
Pray for souls! Seriously, pray God will send to YOUR door, people who are open to the gospel. Hundreds of people have asked me, "How do you find those who are ready?" Simple,
I PRAY EVERY DAY for God to send my way, people who are ready to hear the gospel and keep away those who want to argue.
What about friendship evangelism? Jesus did not spend time making friends with the woman at the well. He went straight to the point of seeing her get saved.
What about Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch? He did NOT make friends with him first.
We should be as friendly as we can with everyone to win them to Christ. The closer you are to someone, often the SLOWER you must go. BUT, Giving them a tract and knocking at the door of their heart will let you know if they are ready to begin with. Do not be pushy. If the gospel is an offense that is alright, but if I am offensive that is wrong. While some are spending weeks and months to get someone's friendship, most could lead a dozen of two to Christ just walking in the Spirit and giving the gospel to EVERY person they possibly can. Make sense? At your door or in a store where they are not busy, I hand a person "Your Ticket to Heaven" (the tract he is most fanous for) and with a smile on my face and the joy of the Lord in my voice and say,
"May I give you something good to read? You will like this! It just tells you how to go to heaven." The response is astounding. Often people grab the tract and say, "I need that." I immediately reply, "We all do." Here is a very important clue to soul winning...
Know what you are going to say before you offer them a tract. Don't wait until the last minute, push a panic button and blurt something out. Practice with a friend and do it over and over until you are confidant and sure of what you are going to say.
We don't need a few people to win a lot but a lot of people-(every Believer- to win a few and we could change the world. -Sumner
Okay K&T team, here is a quick testimony I failed to share tonight with the time restraints and wanting to hear OTHERS' life stories...
I began working for Health Dialog this past Feb 2008 in nursing. It is a huge company in Richardson and I prayed GOD would reveal Himself to me in making this a mission field like none other. AND HE DID! One of the girls I went through training with, was always teamed up with, and then was placed in the cubicle directly across from me after training (no accident, God orchestrated-you will see)! I had great empathy for her as she came across quite confused over her testimony. Her name is Caren. With the Holy Spirit's guiding my every word, I invited Caren to Meadows. She had told me she traveled with Tom Dooley's Radio station KVTT's group to Israel in 1999 "when she was searching for the One True God in her life and had no church home" and decided to make this trip. She then was baptized in the Jordan River. When she came home, her husband left her, the got divorced, she gained 100 lbs and she began a journey of self misery and BLAMING GOD, the very ONE who saved her!
So she had no church home and said she would come visit Meadows-she even resides in East Plano. I felt the Lord burdening me to minister to her at the point of her needs. This was right around the time Pastor Scott had asked us to creat a "Top 5 List" and Caren made it to the top #1 on the list. She refused to fill out any paperwork when she came on March 23rd. After visiting Meadows, she told me NOT to invite her again-and not to "bug her about it," as she was still mad at God She then began treating me in a mean spirit and it was more than obvious that she had a demon spirit in her. I believe the Holy Spirit gives us insight to this also. She yelled at me at times, as if she wanted me to run to the immediate supervisor about her outspoken words to me and rudeness to others-but I would not stoop to that.
I asked for her forgiveness if I had caused any offense towards her and expressed my desire to befriend her in the workplace, (I mean, I sat no more than an arm length's away from her) and right there she yelled out, LEAVE ME ALONE!
Here she was a woman of 50 "yelling like a jr. high student"-she was almost in a rage! I turned my head away and knew all I could do was pray for this person. I went home and Tom comforted me that night and the following day I was to attend some conferences for a week on another floor-4th floor, where our Conference rooms are located. I stayed totally away from my desk and that area knowing one of us would have to be moved, if the work environment was to get any better. I cried out to the Lord as I sought HIS face on what to do.
The conference/seminar I was attending was lasting 1 week. I resolved when I got back downstairs on the 3rd floor, I would ask for a cubicle move (which is a big deal when you have 103 nurses and computers and phone already set up for them and the states they are licensed in telephonic nursing to your particular phoneset.! Yikes!)That meant the supervisor would be involved, my CL -Community Lead Person-and the Tech/phone/help desk support other words, a lot of people asking why!
When I returned to my work area that following Monday, Caren was gone. SHE had requested the move to the other end of the building. What she told anyone I never asked and never knew.
ALL I KNEW IS THAT GOD REMOVED THIS OBSTACLE so that I could perform and press on.
PRAY for Caren. NOW when I see her we speak and we are cordial, but I know I am committed to keep praying for her. I planted the seed and I believe and anticipate someone else 'watering' this seed, and I will continue to WAIT PATIENTLY for her testimony of being set free through my prayers and my attempts to share JESUS with her. Please keep praying and keep on being an effective witness-WITH A SENSE OF URGENCY!
I attended a Women's Conference all day this past Saturday, called,
Psalm 33:21
Mrs. Barbara J.

Welcome to KnowAndTell !

Becoming Effective Witnesses Together!

My name is Michael Cooper and I have a passion to Know and Tell the gospel with increasing skill and faithfulness in the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of the Lord. I accepted Christ in 1993, but the first person I led to the Lord was my daughter Kelli in 1999. Shortly after that I went on my first church planting mission trip to Romania where I shared the gospel door to door through a translator. After seven mission trips I have now led several hundred people to the Lord across five continents. But typically I am still uncomfortable when sharing my faith in our American culture. It is more difficult here and people are less responsive. But I am determined to become a more faithful witness (Revelation 1:5 NIV) and a more effective witness (Acts 14:1 NIV) here at home. Please join me in an ongoing discussion as we sharpen one another in the work of an evangelist (2 Timothy 4:5). Post your evangelistic stories, ideas, and lessons learned. Comment on the posts of others to provide feedback and encouragement. Together we will become more effective witnesses for Christ.